域多利華人社區服務中心將聯同維大香港學生協會(UVIC HKSA)於本年三月舉行一個名為: 「去 | 留 - 加拿大學生就業發展及移民講座」 的免費講座,目的為向準備投身職場的準畢業生以及有意移民加拿大的國際學生提供相關資訊。
黃天樂,1996年隨父母從香港移民到溫哥華,2009年於UVIC畢業並其後於SFU完成公共關係課程。曾任多個電台節目主持人及處理各類本地公關事務。其後於UBC攻讀加拿大移民法,現為一名資深執業加拿大移民顧問Senior RCIC (Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant)。
Are you an international student looking to stay in Canada after your studies? Or are you looking for jobs and career advice?
In collaboration with the Chinese Community Services Centre of Victoria, the Hong Kong Student Association proudly presents to you a FREE immigration and job information seminar featuring Mr. Wong, Ken Tin Lok.
Ken is a Senior Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) and a public relations professional. He will be providing participants with an overview of Canadian immigration and job prospective in Canada. This seminar serves as a great networking opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about jobs, immigration to obtain professional advice.
Please RVSP by filling out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/MQcH3eCwUwIUEg7k1
March 12, 2019
Editor: Ho Chan, Justin Lo