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Writer's pictureUVic HKSA

HKSA Vision Amendment



"The UVic HKSA is a student association under the University of Victoria Student Society (UVSS) constituency. Our vision is to unite all Cantonese speaking, and individuals interested in Chinese culture. Furthermore, we aim to achieve our goal through various social and cultural activities that promotes Chinese culture and benefits the greater community as a whole."

"維港社 - 維多利亞大學香港學生協會(下稱「維港社」)是維多利亞大學學生聯盟(UVSS)轄下的一個學生組織,我們的目標是團結所有講廣東語及對中國文化感興趣的人仕。此外,我們通過各種社會和文化活動,來促進區內的文化交流,並推廣中國文化。"


"The UVic HKSA is a student association under the University of Victoria Student Society (UVSS) constituency. Our vision is to unite all Cantonese speaking, and individuals interested in Hong Kong culture. Furthermore, we aim to achieve our goal through various social and cultural activities that promotes Hong Kong culture and benefits the greater community as a whole."

"維港社 - 維多利亞大學香港學生協會(下稱「維港社」)是維多利亞大學學生聯盟(UVSS)轄下的一個學生組織,我們的目標是團結所有講廣東語及對香港文化感興趣的人仕。此外,我們通過各種社會和文化活動,來促進區內的文化交流,並推廣香港文化。”

Thank you for your attention.

Hong Kong Student Association, University of Victoria

Session 2017-2018

April 11, 2017

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